Durch einen hohen Automatisierungsgrad und die nahtlose Integration lassen sich Unternehmensprozesse deutlich optimieren und damit Kosten reduzieren.
SAVVY® Telematic Systems AG, headquartered in Schaffhausen, is a machine-to-machine (M2M) solution provider that specialise in telematic-based business intelligence. The logistics specialist is launching the new version of SAVVY® CargoTrac. The solution has been expanded for use in rail freight traffic. SAVVY® Synergy Portal’s branch-specific management and business intelligence software makes it possible to efficiently use the modular system solution in a number of scenarios: tracking and tracing of wagons and containers, return trip optimisation, monitoring operational performance, refrigerator wagon management, damage management and much more. SAVVY® CargoTrac thereby provides logistics companies and manufacturers with a uniform solution for intermodal transport across carriers.
With its widely compatible solution, SAVVY® ensures high freight wagon and container availability and productivity, secures transport progress and protects transported goods. Thanks to a high degree of automation and seamless integration, company processes can be noticeably improved to reduce costs. This means the SAVVY® solution pays off within less than 12 months. The new SAVVY® CargoTrac solution will be available for customers in November.
SAVVY® CargoTrac is a compact device that can be easily and safely installed on freight wagons and containers; the exact position is determined via GPS, GLONASS and/or GSM. Thanks to state-of-the-art HF technology, SAVVY® CargoTrac does not require any external antennae.
Internal sensors record arrivals, travel direction and performance. The intelligent interface and software architecture enables immediate use with standard industrial sensors. Robust and extremely energy efficient, it is guaranteed to require very little maintenance and an autonomous service life of up to 10 years even under the harshest conditions.
The SAVVY® Synergy Portal processes the acquired data, transforming it into actionable information that is visualised in clear and easy-to-use dashboards. In addition to the inventory, which is always up-to-date, the solution reports on possible damages, makes it possible to control and monitor temperature-controlled transports and enables flexible maintenance and repair intervals.
SAVVY® CargoTrac can be implemented worldwide and, among other things, fulfils the recognised EN50155:2007 Standard for Railway applications – Electronic equipment used on rolling stock.
Press contact of SAVVY® Telematic Systems AG
Aida Kaeser
Co-Founder & CEO